This example is taken from the MOOC MITx: CTL.SC2x (edX plateform). You can check the MOOC for more information about mathematical programming and the implementation with excel.

In this post, I propose an implementation using Gurobi Python environment.

Following Sankey diagram represents the solution to this problem.

Sankey Diagram

Input data

\(S_{i} : \text{production of tomatoes from each Farm i (in tons)}\) \(D_{j} : \text{demand from each City j (in tons)}\) \(c_{i,j} : \text{transportation cost between Farm i and City j (€/ton)}\)

Decision variables

\(x_{i,j} : \text{flow on arc between Farm i to City j}\)

Input Data

\(S_{1} = 100\) \(S_{2} = 125\) \(D_{1} = 25\) \(D_{2} = 95\) \(D_{3} = 80\) \(C_{1,1} = 250\) \(C_{1,2} = 325\) \(C_{1,3} = 445\) \(C_{2,1} = 275\) \(C_{2,2} = 260\) \(C_{2,3} = 460\)


Minimisation of the transportation cost

\[\min \sum\limits_{i \in{I}}\sum\limits_{j\in{J}} x_{i,j} * c_{i,j}\]

Supply constraint

Production of each farm cannot exceed the sum of the deliveries to all the cities.

\[\sum\limits_{j\in{J}} x_{i,j} \leq S_{i} \qquad \forall i \in I\]

Demand constraint

Demand of each city must be satisfied : one city can be delivered by two farms.

\[\sum\limits_{i\in{I}} x_{i,j} \geq D_{j} \qquad \forall j \in J\]

Non negativity constraint

\[x_{i,j} \geq 0 \qquad \ \forall i,j\]

Implementation in Python

from gurobipy import *

farms = ["Farm1", "Farm2"]
cities = ["City1", "City2", "City3"]

supply = { "Farm1" : 100,
           "Farm2" : 125}

demand = { "City1" : 25,
           "City2" : 95,
           "City3" : 80}

cost = { "Farm1" : { "City1" : 250,
                     "City2" : 325,
                     "City3" : 445},
         "Farm2" : { "City1" : 275,
                     "City2" : 260,
                     "City3" : 460}}

m = Model("transportation_pb")

# Decision variables
flow = m.addVars(farms, cities, name="flow")

# Supply constraint
supply_constr = m.addConstrs((flow.sum(farm, "*")
                              <= supply[farm] for farm in farms), 

# Demand constraint
demand_constr = m.addConstrs((flow.sum("*", city)
                             >= demand[city] for city in cities),

# Objective function
obj = quicksum(flow[farm, city] * cost[farm][city] 
               for farm in farms 
               for city in cities)

m.setObjective(obj, GRB.MINIMIZE)

Tons of tomatoes delivered
Farm1 25.0 tons to City1
0.0 tons to City2
75.0 tons to City3
Farm2 0.0 tons to City1
95.0 tons to City2
5.0 tons to City3

The total cost is 66 625 €.

How can we improve our business ?

for c in m.getConstrs():
    print(c.ConstrName, c.slack)

>>> supply_constraint[Farm1] 0.0
>>> supply_constraint[Farm2] 25.0
>>> supply_constraint[City1] 0.0
>>> supply_constraint[City2] 0.0
>>> supply_constraint[City3] 0.0

The farm 2 still has 25 tons of unsold tomatoes.